Ethiopia Kayon Mountain

Ethiopia is widely regarded as the birthplace of coffee and continues to be one of the world's premier coffee-producing countries. Its diverse microclimates, high altitudes, and rich coffee heritage contribute to the exceptional quality and unique flavor profiles found in Ethiopian coffees. This coffee is from the Guji region, specifically from the Kayon Mountain farm is known for its distinct characteristics and contribution to the Ethiopian coffee industry. We are thrilled to offer this year's harvest with everyone.

Ethiopia is renowned for its specialty coffee production, which accounts for a significant portion of the country's agricultural exports. The coffee sector engages millions of Ethiopians, providing employment and income opportunities in both rural and urban areas. Coffee production follows traditional methods, with smallholder farmers cultivating coffee trees on small plots of land. The diversity of coffee varieties, ranging from heirloom to region-specific cultivars, adds to the country's coffee wealth.

Located within the larger Oromia region in southern Ethiopia, the Guji Zone has gained prominence as a coffee-growing area in recent years. Its high altitudes, fertile soil, and suitable climatic conditions make it ideal for producing high-quality coffee. The Guji Zone encompasses several coffee-growing districts, including the Kayon Mountain farm, which is known for its exceptional coffees.

The Kayon Mountain farm is situated in the Guji Zone, near the town of Shakiso, and is owned by the Hassen family. Spanning an area of approximately 500 hectares, the farm has been dedicated to producing specialty coffee since 2012. The combination of altitude, volcanic soil, and a meticulous approach to cultivation and processing contributes to the unique flavors found in their coffee.

Ethiopia Kayon Mountain coffee offers distinct characteristics that have made it sought after by coffee enthusiasts worldwide. Some notable features include:

   a. Flavor Profile: Ethiopia Kayon Mountain coffee exhibits a vibrant and complex flavor profile. It often showcases pronounced floral notes, such as jasmine and lavender, accompanied by hints of citrus, berries, and stone fruits. These flavors combine harmoniously, creating a captivating and nuanced cup.

   b. Acidity: Known for its bright and sparkling acidity, this coffee displays a lively and refreshing character. The acidity adds a crispness and vibrancy to the overall cup, enhancing the complexity and balance of flavors.

   c. Body and Mouthfeel: Kayon Mountain coffee typically possesses a medium to full body, providing a smooth and velvety mouthfeel. The well-rounded body enhances the overall sensory experience, making it a pleasure to savor.

   d. Aroma: The aroma of Ethiopia Kayon Mountain coffee is often described as floral and fragrant, with captivating notes of jasmine, bergamot, and citrus blossoms. The enticing aroma further enhances the sensory appeal of the coffee.

The Kayon Mountain farm employs traditional processing methods to maximize the flavor potential of their coffee beans. The cherries are meticulously hand-picked at peak ripeness to ensure optimal sweetness and flavor. Two primary processing methods are utilized:

   a. Natural (Dry) Process: In this method, the harvested cherries are carefully spread out on raised beds or patios to dry in the sun. The cherries are periodically turned to ensure even drying and prevent fermentation. This process imparts fruit-forward and intense flavors to the coffee.

   b. Washed (Wet) Process: After harvesting, the cherries undergo a meticulous washing process to remove the pulp and mucilage. The coffee beans are then fermented and washed before being dried on raised beds or patios.

The offering we are featuring from Kayon Mountain is a naturally processed coffee. 

The Kayon Mountain farm also  recognizes the importance of sustainability and social responsibility in coffee production. They prioritize sustainable farming practices, such as organic cultivation, water conservation, and waste management. The farm also invests in the local community, providing employment opportunities and contributing to infrastructure development, education, and healthcare initiatives.

Ethiopia Kayon Mountain coffee from the Guji region represents the epitome of Ethiopian specialty coffee. Its exceptional flavor profile, vibrant acidity, and velvety body make it a beloved choice for coffee connoisseurs. The combination of the Guji region's unique terroir, the Hassen family's dedication to quality, and meticulous processing techniques result in a truly remarkable coffee experience. In this years harvest we are tasting notes Vanilla, Candied Bergamot, Jasmine, Berry, and Jasmine. 

 We are thrilled to offer this coffee to everyone this summer. 

Ethiopia Kayon Mountain
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