Ethiopia Basha Bekele

Ethiopia Basha Bekele

This naturally processed Ethiopian lot is from producer Basha Bekele and his collection site, Bombe, in the Sidama region of southern Ethiopia. We met Mr. Basha Bekele back in 2019 and this year are finally able to bring you his coffee!

This single-origin offering is a beautiful example of that classic naturally processed Ethiopian flavor profile featuring big fruit-like sweetness.  

Ethiopia is a coffee powerhouse. As the seventh-largest coffee-producing country in the world, one of the world's leading consumers, AND the birthplace of the plant itself, it isn’t surprising that it’s home to the coffee ceremony or ritual. This appreciation of coffee makes Ethiopia unique as a coffee-producing country. 

Coffee's importance to Ethiopia cannot be overstated. Of the over 100 million people in Ethiopia, almost 15 million rely on coffee for income. Coffee accounts for 60% of foreign income and is about 40% of the total country exports. 

Traceability has traditionally been challenging to come by in Ethiopia. However, recent relaxations have allowed producers to export their own coffee, which is how we got to Basha Bekele.    

Mr. Bekele's dedication to quality has not gone unnoticed. This year, he claimed first place in the prestigious Cup of Excellence competition, solidifying his reputation as a producer of exceptional coffee.

We at French Truck Coffee are honored to share Basha Bekele's award-winning coffee with you. It's more than just delicious—it's a taste of Ethiopian excellence and a celebration of the hard work and passion of coffee producers like Mr. Bekele.